Dental crowns, or tooth crowns, are used to repair a number of different issues. A dental crown can help protect the tooth and keep it from breaking. Any damage to a tooth is serious and a dental crown can help stop further damage from occurring. If you have a damaged or painful tooth, we recommend calling our Dallas dental clinic to see if a tooth crown can fix the issue.
Crowns are used to repair a number of different issues. When a tooth becomes weakened by decay, a crown can help protect the tooth and keep it from breaking. If a tooth has already broken, a dental crown can hold it together and prevent further damage. Teeth that have been worn down from tooth grinding or use can be repaired using a crown as well. Dental crowns may also be used to support dental fillings in severely damaged teeth or to keep dental bridges firmly in place.
Crowns can serve a cosmetic purpose as well. If you have a dental implant, or teeth that are improperly shaped, a tooth crown can give you a more pleasing and natural appearance. They may also be used to cover individual teeth that are severely discolored in instances where normal tooth whitening doesn’t help.
We will examine your teeth and take x-rays to determine the extent of damage before fitting you with a crown. You may need to undergo a root canal or have a filling placed if the damage is extensive. Once that is done, we will numb the tooth and file the tooth down to prepare it for the crown. An impression of the tooth and surrounding area will be made, and a temporary crown will be put into place while the impression is sent to a dental laboratory where the permanent crown will be made. During your final visit, the permanent crown will be put into place using dental cement.
Your permanent crown should be cared for with ordinary oral hygiene such as regular brushing and flossing. You’ll want to be sure to schedule regular check-ups with us so we can be sure your crown and overall dental health are as good as they can be.